Progressive Web Communication solutions that add to your bottom line.

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Common Business App Use Cases

Employee Communication

Reach employees in the field or at a worksite who don't have easy computer access or perhaps have no company email at all.

Field Sales Performance

Make sure reps in the field have the product knowledge and sales tools needed to optimize productivity.

Safety & Compliance

Ensure that safety information and processes are always readily available. Monitor compliance and collect incident reports.

Human Resources

Improve employee engagement with company communications. Provide access to paystubs, benefits, and company processes. Enable content based on specific roles, locations, or even language preference.
Better Communication with Your Employees, Wherever They Are

  •     Restricted access
  •     Role and permissions
  •     Segmentation
  •     Compliance
  •     Firewalls
Immediately improve engagement and compliance with
capabilities only available in a mobile app.

How Customers Have Used Their Employee Communication Apps

Training & Development

Distribute training material, monitor completion progress by individual and encourage group discussion through message specific chat.

Urgent Scheduling Changes

Communicate immediately when severe weather causes job cancellations or schedule changes. Auto re-messaging if a task is not completed in the time-frame required

Company News & Announcements

Reach the entire company with critical messages and monitor open and read rates.

Monitoring Compliance

Use analytics to monitor and easily report on your employees compliance with training requirements

Sales Team Management

Motivate Sales teams with up to date market data, training and company support materials. Gamify competition and contests between reps for maximum sales and revenue production.

Employee Onboarding

Send a sequence of tasks (videos to watch, forms to complete) and monitor the completion rate.
 What is OTV WorkForce?
A mobile optimized platform that enables you to streamline communications, connect and engage with your employees, anywhere and at anytime, and measure success.
“Before OTV, our information for employees was fragmented in all sorts of places. Since implementing our OTV app, we’ve been able to consolidate information in one centralized location.”
- Bill S
We Build Apps Tailored For Your Unique Business Goals

Our platform is designed to be dynamic and open source, which means any existing features can be customized to the exact way you need them to be. Our in-house custom app development team can build any features specifically for your app from scratch.
Your Company Communication at The Speed of Business
Preferred Materials Needed to Improve Employee Communication and Reduce HR Workload

Field employees without company email addresses experienced difficulty in obtaining personnel and benefits information from HR due to limited calling hours. Only 20 percent of their employees were office-based and had a company email address or access to this information. The HR department was also challenged by time spent fielding employee calls. Preferred Materials wanted a cost-effective way to consolidate important information into one single interface through a mobile app.
Streamline Communication

Fragmented systems frustrate employees and reduce the effectiveness of your communications. Consolidate communication channels with a single, mobile-optimized platform. Make it simple for employees to receive and access information while at the same time reducing vendor overload for you.
Engage Employees

Outdated one-way communication channels are not meeting the challenges facing today’s modern workforce. Make it simple for employees to consume your communications and engage in the conversation. Encourage them to contribute, share, learn and question.
Disengaged Employees cost organizations between $450 and $550 billion annually. (The Engagement Institute)
Did You Know?

Push notifications are 10x more likely to be read than emails. And 90% are read within 3 minutes.
Would you like that kind of engagement with your workforce?

**Authentication, Hosting, Data storage, Project Manager, Security, Maintenance, App analytics.

features implemented.

Build, Configure, & Customize to Specs
Launch to Production/Live Environment
Unlimited Maintenance
Unlimited Software Updates
24/7 Monitoring & Metrics
Steady & Predictable Performance
Scaling up to 100,000+ Users
Enterprise Level Security Compliance

Publication to both Apple IOS and Google Play App Stores


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Yardley Pa 19067

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